Engraved in the world’s collective imagination by Hollywood, Casablanca has never ceased to make people dream. Forward-thinking in terms of urban planning, innovation, and social diversity, also recognized for its economic vibrancy, Casablanca is also a lab city. It is now positioned as an international financial hub.
Its cosmopolitan population has influenced its culture, heritage, and architecture. Despite its many attributes, the city’s development has led it to face many challenges.
To overcome them, citizens, elected representatives and authorities have united to implement the strategy initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist Him: the 2015-2020 development plan of the Greater Casablanca region.
The objective set for Casablanca Events and Animation is to develop the strategy to promote the image of Casablanca at the local, regional, and international levels. The challenge is to make Casablanca a true Global City.
We aspire to a Casablanca which will reflect the rich and contemporary Moroccan identity, where fertile creativity will see the emergence of new projects, new practices, and new trends every day…